While the release of the ground (or wind) breaking book, Everyone Poops, didn't exactly open the floodgates to a new branch of literature, it did spawn a trickle of releases whose content is decidedly scatological. Since some folks believe these books perform an important function, we can't turn our noses up at them. With this in mind, here's a list of the best recent releases.
A Tinkle in Rhyme—This charming picture book recounts the adventures of a group of young boys who discover the art of writing couplets in the snow.
The Berry-Stained Bears—Mother forgets to buy toilet paper right before the start of the hibernating season. Father grumbles and does something stupid. Brother and sister ask for real names. Everyone learns a valuable lesson.
The Outhouse at Pooh Corner—Wherein round two of the Pooh-sticks tournament is held.
The Bowel and the Pussycat—A charming nonsense poem recently discovered among the papers of Edward Lear. A cat and an intestine sing to each other while sailing in a pea-green boat. The poem features beautiful use of internal rhyme. Tastefully illustrated by Ralph Steadman.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Did You Do?—This elegantly simple tale follows a bear into the woods to answer an age old question.
Crapt-in Underpants—A new superhero, the Brown Streak, fights crime in a series of amusing stories.
"Scat!" Copyright © 2002 by David Lubar
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